Karen Johnson RGN. NIP. Ad Dip Nut. Med (Rus)
Aesthetic Consultant, Sclerotherapist, Advanced Electrolygist

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The low down on vitamin drips for skin health

Friday November 30, 2018
The low down on vitamin drips for skin health

As we spend a whopping £650 million pounds on vitamin, mineral and amino acid supplements it's safe to say that we are on board with the need for supplementing our diets. However, did you know that our bodies only absorb 15% of a supplement taken orally. This is mainly due to the complex digestive process losing the rest.

Even if we have a well balanced diet, research has proven that we still have deficiencies and if you have symptoms such as fog brain, lack of energy, battery drain, poor hair and nail growth, recurrent infections and illnesses such as colds, poor recovery and lengthy illnesses, mouth ulcers, cold sores, poor wound healing, food cravings, sugar cravings and so on ….... then you probably have quite significant deficiencies.

With regards to your skin and ageing issues, micronutrients are a vital part of skin health. All micronutrients are essential to support the skin structures and have positive benefits for the skin and preventing premature ageing. Vitamin C for example is the main vitamin for the production of collagen your tissue volume. We lose vitamin C with sun exposure, smoking and exposure to environmental pollutions which we are continuously from day to day. It is also essential for the immune system to function properly, for the heart, blood pressure, hair growth, wound healing and to prevent diseases like cancer. As we need to eat 4 large peppers every day to get your daily recommend does of vitamin C, that will never happen, therefore considering getting your vitamin C in another form of vitamin C is a really good idea.

Vitamin A is needed for maintenance of skin tissue, vitamin D is required for skin elasticity, your skin, hair and nails all need B vitamins, to reduce inflammation and redness of the skin we require vitamin E, Zinc is needed to help to keep the skin spot free by controlling oil production, fatty acids are used to help repair the skins barrier functions, hyaluronic acid which is made by the body and is our skins plumpness and hydration needs all vitamins to manufacture.

With all this in mind, it is clear to say that we need good amounts of all micronutrients for our skin to flourish and what your skin looks like has an overriding effect on what you take into your body and what our body lacks. Poor nutrient intake means poor skin which is why I encourage all my patients to have regular vitamin, mineral and amino acid drips which not only looks after the skin but will serve the body in general also.

If you are looking for anti ageing solutions you cant go wrong with a vitamin, mineral and amino acid drip. Nourishing your skin from within is one of the most important things you can do, then having Botox, fillers, skin boosters, skin tightening product and skin peels will do the rest.

All our drips are MRHA, medicines authority regulated. They are safe, been used in the UK for decades and have large doses of the most important micronutrients that we need and designed with skin in mind.

Having a vitamin, mineral and amino acid drip will flood your body with whopping, but safe doses, of essential micronutrients that are needed for the body to function efficiently and properly and for us to feel well and healthy. Vitamins and minerals are required for our cells to function and without them they can't communicate, stabilise and regulate.

With today's modern diets we simply don't get what our body needs. Over processed foods are nutrient depleted. Fast paced lives and eating on the run encourages us to eat processed refined foods that lack the nutrients we need. This exposes our bodies to suffering the effects from harmful pollutions and toxins that we are exposed to every day. This results in damaged tissues from free radical oxidation and in the aesthetic world this means premature ageing.

Even if you think you are being good by having your 5 a day, bear in mind, that the fruit and veg you purchase today has spent weeks in transport getting to the supermarkets and every day the nutrient content is diminishing. By the time it gets to your mouth, its nutrient level is so poor it is virtually useless. Added to the fact that your body will only absorb 50% of the micronutrient from your foods anyway, this means that we are not getting enough. Cooking foods delivers even less nutrients as every minute boiling vegetables removes the goodness further, so unless you drink the water the veg was cooked in, you are getting very little. Well, you can't be surprised when I tell you that over 90% of people tested for nutritional deficiencies have multiple.

Being an avid supporter of vitamin, mineral and amino acid drips, can you now understand why I am? Micronutrients taken by intravenous drip ensures that 100% goes directly into your bloodstream and straight into the cells where they are needed. You simply cant go wrong.

Blog written by Karen Johnson

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